Poems, Guest Posts Sarah Campbell-Lloyd Poems, Guest Posts Sarah Campbell-Lloyd

Communal Yoga Poem by Mel Parks

Yoga brings us back together.

Sharing the time on the mat

stops the clutter in my head.


Together for Yoga

Yoga brings us back together.

Sharing the time on the mat

stops the clutter in my head. 


Like-minded people achieve

with practice, awareness, balance, 

abundance of love

expanding the spirit within. 


Beating of my heart

clears negative thoughts. 


I feel beautiful simply

when I feel at peace, 

letting go

of what others may think.


Cherish the occupying goddess,

learning to breathe

through my veins.


I am with myself

and my breath;

we’re mending now.


My mind and soul 

transforms the form 

of my body.


Surrounding myself 

with a sense of peace, 

stillness in action we rest

in loving ourselves.


My body feels powerful

to my core, practising yoga

inspires me every day.


I just LOVE it!


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