Full Moon Retreat with Sarah at The Wellbeing Chalet
So now I’m super excited about my next Yoga adventure this summer in the Alps. And am writing because I would love to share the experience with you. I’m teaching Yoga at this amazing Yoga retreat in the French Alps. We will do yoga, hike and celebrate the full moon.
Dear Yard Yogis,
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post something on the blog and I’ve missed it. We’ve been soooo busy with everything going on in the Yard that writing went out of the window.
So now I’m super excited about my next Yoga adventure this summer in the Alps. And am writing because I would love to share the experience with you. I’m teaching Yoga at this amazing Yoga retreat in the French Alps. We will do yoga, hike, and celebrate the full moon.
For those that come to my classes know how much I like theming classes and I try to pick a theme that is appropriate for the day. Now we can theme the week with the celebration of the full moon. We’ll do yoga to set ourselves up for the day and for the hike, with a nice morning flow each day and then we’ll finish the day with some nice restorative yoga. I cannot wait to share this with those that are coming. This yoga retreat will be away to celebrate yourself, so if you want to join me and The Wellbeing Chalet please book here: http://www.chaletrosiere.fr/hike-yoga/
Much love
Sarah xxx
Note from Sarah: What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?
This practice is rooted in how you synchronise your breathing with flowing movement. The ultimate benefit is that you will arrive at a harmonious, balanced, and mindful state.
This time I want to talk about the benefits of Vinysasa Flow Yoga.
This practice is rooted in how you synchronise your breathing with flowing movement. The ultimate benefit is that you will arrive at a harmonious, balanced and mindful state.
This particular style of Yoga practice is my passion. It has taken me beyond what I thought was possible for me. It has given me more energy and freedom of movement. This has given me the tools to be able to truly listen to my body and my state of mind, so that I find myself more present on the mat when I am teaching.
For me the most important benefit of this practise is arriving in a flow state.
I recently had an experience, where I arrived to teach feeling extremely nauseous but was able to quickly zone in on my body, focus on my breathing and came to a stillness and I was able to not feel nauseous any more.
You can apply this to your own practice, if you are feeling stressed, worried, anxious or overwhelmed, then a Vinyasa flow practice can mindfully alleviate and reduce the impact of these emotions leaving you feeling more relaxed, at ease and of course in “the flow state”.